True Love: Unconditional Love Part I

Unconditional Love is considered Love without Limits…

But What Does This Mean?

According to John Powell SJ Unconditional Love is a life principle.

“Most of All, Let Love Be Your Guide” (Col 3:14)

In this way of existence, it includes the belief that Eternal Life is already present in us, and shines through us, because God’s life is already in us. This, in itself, is something to be celebrated. It is the truth of the scripture passage: “I came so that you may have life, and have it to the fullest.” (John 10:10)

What is your life principle? What is one word you live your life by? Is it fun, perfection, money, fame, duty, recognition, approval, power, love? What is you dominant life principle, and what do you live your life by?

In today’s post we are focusing on the life principle of love. The kingdom of God itself implies a free response of love. It is not about power, or people competing. It is love. Powell SJ claims we are in a contemporary crisis of love. People doubt and question love… people fear love… or doubt that love is something that is real.

Others question if loving is really the way to human fulfillment and if they choose love as their life principle, if they will be satisfied and full of true gratification. Others wonder if the Gospel beatitude of unselfish and unconditional love really is the path to true human joy. Others question if a life of love involves a permanent and unconditional commitment the the joy or happiness of the other is really the way to personal satisfaction and human fulfillment. All of these questions point back to the major crisis of love in contemporary society. Because of ego. many people ask the question: “What is in it for me?” “What do I get out of it?” … but these kind of questions just lead to self-centeredness and the common thread to try to rationalize love when sometimes love is not rational; love takes a leap of faith. In love, we put ourselves on the line and become vulnerable. We step more deeply into truth, into what is true and what is real yet mystical/mysterious. True love requires commitment, loyalty, and fidelity. It means leading a meaningful life.

“A meaningful life can result only from the experience of love, and this implies commitment and dedication to another. Love rejects the question of “What am I getting out of this?” as the only criterion of fulfillment. Love understands it is in giving that we receive.” (58)

Egoistic concerns area false sense of reality and of the divine, as well as a false sense of the gift of self. This includes the loss of self by the constant focus of - “what do I get out of it?”… the true sense of self identity of the self and true self-esteem comes from the love we have and the love we give, and the reflection of that love in the other. Giving the gift of oneself leaves one with a lasting satisfaction of having contributed to the gift of love to the lives of others.

Powell SJ goes deeper with this reflection when he states: “Love takes time, demands a history of giving and receiving, laughing and crying, living and dying. It never promises instant gratification, only ultimate fulfillment. Love means believing in someone, in something. It supposes a willingness to struggle, to work, to suffer, and to join in rejoicing. Satisfaction and fulfillment are the by-products of dedicated love. They belong only to those who can reach beyond themselves, to whom giving is more important than receiving.”

But, there are two types of self-fulfillment. There is a self-fulfillment that is directly sought after… and there is one that is a by-product of loving. While it is part of the human existence of a person to be with others, in relationship, and in communion, there is also a need for true and deep relationships; this is essential to loving and also essential to becoming. True human fulfillment is found only in the relationships of love; based in love.

The next questions that arise is what then is the meaning of love?

This is what we will explore in our next post…

(Based on Unconditional Love by John Powell SJ)

With Analysis, Insight, Writing and Perspective by Mary E. Grenchus

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Mary Grenchus