Health, Wellness and Well-Being ~ The Ushering in of Spring


As the Spring season begins to bloom, and with all that is going on in the world today, we are reminded of the importance of Health and Wellness.

If any of you are anything like me, I have found myself getting lost in overwhelm over the coronavirus that is constantly announced about and our attention is constantly drawn to. However, what is rarely talked about is the fact that Spring is here! We just celebrated the Spring Equinox on March 19th!! YAY!!!!

Spring Equinox is the day we give Thanks to God for Mother Nature, and we thank Mother Nature for all we have been given and provided for through nature, and by God’s glorious goodness. In line with the spirit of Spring Equinox, I wanted to take this time to share with you some healthy immune-boosting foods, vitamins, and minerals so you can maintain a healthy immune system, decrease the likelihood of catching any virus, and help you work through any virus if you already have one. All of this will help you to maintain your health and well-being during this time of overexposure and overconsumption of coronavirus news, fears, as well as any concerns you may have in relation.

Fresh Air and Time Outside:

Make sure you are getting fresh air and you are getting time outside each day. We recommend around 45 minutes of outside time minimum. Use this time for yourself, or to spend with your friends for family to keep each other’s moods high, but also to enjoy the beauty of spring and the beauty of the nature that surrounds you.

Schedule Time of Exercise:

Whether it is going out for a walk, run, soccer, shooting some hoops, doing yoga, ballet etc…. all of these can also be counted as your outdoor exercise time, and are fun to do out in nature. If you find you need to stay inside, make sure you are incorporating some type of exercise and movement into your daily life.

Get Plenty of Rest

Lower Your Stress Level


Vitamin D:

We recommend taking Vitamin D to help support a positive mood, as well as to begin to align with Spring. As we begin to move into summer, you may be able to decrease your Vitamin D level. Vitamin D helps you to fight off pathogens that cause infection. Eggs, Whole Milk/Milk, fatty fish,

Vitamin B:

Vitamin B is on of your first responders to any pathogen that enters the body. Vitamin B is in green leafy veggies, nuts and seeds, mushrooms, legumes, chicken, fish, meat, and soy.

Vitamin C

Helps fight against oxidative stress and essentially against inflammation. These would include your citrus fruits: oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, tangerines…but also, blueberries and kiwifruit, broccoli, strawberries, red bell peppers

Vitamin E

Helps fight against oxidative stress and essentially against infammation. This is also found in nuts, green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin A

Helps your mucus levels to stabilize, which in the end, fights against infection. these include carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and winter squash, kale, collard greens

Healthy Fats

This is especially good for runners - you want to make sure you are bringing in enough healthy fats. These include: Avocado, olives, nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, and butter.

Ginger and Garlic also help to clear things out of your system more quickly.

Lastly, remember to take a mental break from all of the drama… this will keep your immune system high and will continue to give you the peace you need to stay grounded should any illness arise in you, your loved ones, or friends/family. Also know we are here for you, so reach out to us, if you need anything. Sending Spring Blessings your way!

Looking for a deeper dive? Sign up for one of our Coaching Programs!

Mary Grenchus