From Our Friend and Collegue

@Francis Etheredge (with addition by Mega - our founder)


Leaves like words

Fall from a tree.

What kind of words: What kind of tree?

Soft, subtle, brightly blushing butterflies

or squirming worm words?

Soaked, sunrise trees or diseased, death-and-dying cries?

Bitter and biting, a prickly leaf that doesn’t drop,

Tied to the tree, unable to leave, unless cut off,

Broken, bashed or brushed away,

Carefully handled, gingerly, parcelled up and binned, buried,

Or left to dry, curling and cracking, breaking into bits,

Ready to waste

Or sent: a record of regret!

But lo, behold what a wet-light does to wind-heaped leaves,

Bathing them, literally, in burnished gold: a wealth of knotted Clumps, caught, clinging to each other, almost loose, but then

Glazing them in a glistening, twinkling, moment of being

Trapped, temporarily, stopped, stuck,

As in the glance of a still-lit-life.

What of the green to red gifts, shifting through the changes,

Translucent in the light, star-bright bursts in the inbetweens,

Wet and wonderful, swaying as they fall in the Fall,

Almost dancing in delight, opening in colours, bronze and brown, Dazzling to behold, changing and decaying,

But no less beautiful in passing?

Wondrous to ponder the puzzles of existence,

Puddling, like pools of questions in the dripping,

Dappling, dressing rain.

Lying on the ground, getting grubby,

Wet, trodden on, squelchy, indistinguishable

From mud, dirt, the ground into which they are

Mushed, rotting, entering the soil,

Answering aptly, in place,

Amidst the compost of many years,

Melting, imperceptibly, into

The seeds of what is to come:

Of what is to be written when

Thoughts start afresh

A half thought through thinking

That takes a shape and turn

Not entirely foreseen and always

In the hope of being newly

Fed and feathered by all that

Fell before and freshly rises

Rejoicing in a new beginning,

Reaching up, once more,

Before the cycle turns, not a circle only

But a spiral, swinging what is swaying down,

Swishing the first few stripped,

Floating, flaked off star shaped, whirlies,

Striking coloured chords again,

A newly startling starting up a word again,

From grounded, dead and grounding leaves

Raising up a lightly nourished and nourishing,

Watered thought again.


And Our Founder MEGA Adds:

With renewing springs and fall's surpassing,

The rebirth comes forth in spring young hues,

of fresh greens and pinkish petals,

to dabble in, and drip with drops of dew

kissed with promises

of better days and tomorrows,


fresh spring love, and gallant being...

of light rains that yield the fresh fruits season,

while in fresh spring rain, umbrella's love kiss leaning,

and the blossom bosom of those young at heart...

of ballet dances on leaves dripped with rain,

softly step .....

while love is echoed in nature's heart

echoes loudly with love's art

and those brown golden leaves covered in petals ...

for to dance the dance of spring,


the heart, mind, and spirit

to sing of fresh refrains and inspiring chords

to lighten our winter tired souls and bring us forth

to rebirth in the joys of love and spring.


the fruits of the spirits refrain,


the lost time

of lovers quarrels,

to bring forth love's rebirth

and joys of fragrant blossoms

in the warming airs of love's serenade..

beautiful spring.....

beautiful one...

beautiful being....

beautiful dance, play, and sing ...

(to purchase a piece of the fine art below ~ please go to:

Mary Grenchus